Laser Additive Manufacturing System using Powder Bed Fusion System (LAM-PBF)

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The LAM-PBF system is designed to manufacture 3D metallic components using pre-placed powder bed fusion technology. This process involves creating a thin layer of metal powder on the build plate, followed by laser consolidation in a controlled atmosphere of Argon or N2 to fabricate 3D engineering components. The system integrates various components, including the powder bed fusion module, controlled atmosphere chamber, Human Machine Interface (HMI), Galvo-Scanning system, PBF control unit, laser systems, and computer system. The technology is now available for translation through incubation/ co-development. The newly developed LAM-PBF system is versatile, offering applications in prototyping, product development, manufacturing complex parts, and producing low volumes of various metallic engineering components. It finds utility across a spectrum of industries, including nuclear, aerospace, automotive, medical, and research and development (R&D).