High-stability, Current-controlled, Card-based, True-bipolar, Switch-mode Power Converter for Electromagnets


This is a high-stability, output-current-controlled, switch-mode, true-bipolar power converter for electromagnet. The power converter is capable of delivering output voltage (up to ±50 V DC), output current (up to ±15 A DC), and output power (up to 600 W) ratings with minimum alterations. It operates from 60 V max dc input source. The power converter is developed on a single 6U four-layer PCB, complete with power circuit, control electronics and interface electronics for its remote operation. It is equipped with precision current sensor, electronics and on-board constant-temperature bath that provides output current stability within +/- 100 ppm of the full-scale current (for 8 hours after 1 hour of warm-up). It is capable of being operated in both the polarities of output voltage and current, with smooth zero cross-over. Important signals are available on the front panel facilitating in-situ diagnosis/monitoring of the operational status.

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