250 W average power fiber coupled pulsed Nd:YAG laser with workstation

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High average power long pulse duration fiber coupled pulsed Nd:YAG lasers are highly useful in cutting, welding, drilling and surface melting of metal sheets and pipes remotely with minimum heat affected zone, distortion and shrinkage. There are three-time shared fiber optic ports, which can be switched very easily for different jobs of cutting/welding/drilling at three different work stations. These lasers can be utilized for material processing in dry air as well as in underwater conditions.  This laser is capable of cutting of up to 12 mm thick SS sheets and welding of up to 2 mm depth in SS. Laser surface melting for corrosion resistance of stainless steel can also be performed. Drilling of holes in the range of 100 µm-1 mm can be performed very easily. Fabrication and assembly of laser cutting and welding heads along with recipe for cutting and welding process optimization for different metals/alloys is also available. This laser has also been efficiently used for non-contact in-situ cutting and welding in highly radioactive zones for refurbishment of nuclear power plants of NPCIL using different remotely operable manipulators. Further, this laser is also useful in welding of heart pacemaker, leak tight joints for medical devices and leak tight joints for vacuum grade applications.  This technology is being offered with the development of customized laser workstation under in-house technology co-development/ incubation program.