Single Stage 30 K Class Cryocooler with Helium Compressor

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Single stage 30 K class cryocooler with Helium compressor are key component in various commercial and industrial applications. Single stage 30 Kelvin class cryocooler technology deploys Gifford McMahon cycle to achieve ultra-low temperature at it’s cold finger. These cryocoolers have unique role in applications with small heat load requirements for temperature range in-between boiling point of liquid Nitrogen 77 to 30 Kelvin. It is considered as dry and cryogen free technology to cool small equipment or samples while cutting down on the bulk of the traditional cooling infrastructure needed for the realization of this technology. Helium compressor module for operating this cryocooler is developed in house by modifying commercially available refrigeration compressors with suitable oil injection and separation sub-system for continuous supply of very high purity compressed helium gas.