Incubation of Laser Additive Manufacturing using Directed Energy Deposition [TVASHTR (त्वष्ट्र)] with three industries / start-ups:

TVASHTR (त्वष्ट्र) is selected as commercial name for Laser Additive Manufacturing using Directed Energy Deposition (LAM-DED) technology going in public domain.  TVASHTR is a name of Rishi from Rigveda, who was a skilful craftsman and artisan deity, like – Vishwakarma. He built many wonderful objects including Indra’s Bolt, Brahspatis’ Axe, Cup for Divine food and Drink.

During foundation day function, agreements were signed with two start-ups and one CNC machine giant to bring a paradigm shift in Indian and Global Manufacturing Ecosystem with the induction of TVASHTR technology. The event was held with Shri K N Vyas, Chairman Atomic Energy Commission and Secretary Department of Atomic Energy as Chief Guest and Prof. U Kamachi Mudali, Vice-chancellor VIT Bhopal and Former Chief Executive, Heavy Water Board, DAE as Guest of Honour. Foreign companies sell LAM-DED machines for 5 Cr and above, whereas the incubation by RRCAT aims to deliver cost-effective products.

First agreement was signed with a new startup Unnati 5D-Manufacturing System Private Limited (Earlier,  Ideas AM System) Mumbai. Unnati will be catering the product in academia and R&D labs by providing a cost-effective TVASHTR in the price range of 50 – 100 Lacs. Mr. Hrishikesh V. Iyer, CEO, Unnati exchanged the incubation agreement.


Next agreement was signed with another new start-up VFuse Metal 4 Manufacturing Pvt. Ltd. Bhopal for the incubation of TVASHTR to develop a product by joining conventional and laser source proving a cost effective-solution. The target market segment for VFuse is Indian industries and National Labs and projected price of TVASHTR in the price range of 200 – 350 Lacs. Mr. Manoj Jain, CEO, VFuse Metal 4 Manufacturing Pvt. Ltd. Bhopal exchanged the incubation agreement.


Another agreement was signed with Lokesh Machines Limited Hyderabad - a well-known name in CNC machines. Lokesh is public limited company with its shares listed in BSE and NSE. The company has annual turnover of 200+ Crores with 15% export of the CNC machines in 22 countries across the globe. Lokesh will jointly develop the TVASTHR by developing an Additive-Subtractive Machine and pushed the product to Indian and Global Market. The projected cost of the machine is in the range of 150 – 250 Lacs. Mr. M. Srinvasan, Director, Lokesh Machine Limited exchanged the incubation agreement.

With the successful incubation of the above three industries/ start-ups will bring a leap to the democratization of LAM-DED technology through TVASHTR (त्वष्ट्र) in Indian and global metal AM ecosystem.